Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Gwangju prepares to host G20 Deputies’ Meeting

Gwangju City is in the final stages of preparation for successfully hosting a meeting of Deputy Finance Ministers from the G20 states.

The meeting will be held from the 4th to the 5th of September, at the Mudeung Park Hotel in Gwangju, and will be attended by 150 people, including deputy finance ministers from G20 member states, the vice-president of the central bank, as well as officials from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the World Bank (WB).

South Korea is current chair, and the G20 Advisory Committee has been taking steps to ensure readiness for the event. As part of this, since March this year, Gwangju Preparatory team has established and undertaken a plan to ready the city in terms of environment and public order, so that participants at the conference will see the beautiful and clean face of the city.

Final checks are now underway of the city’s conference venues, electrics, gas, fire safety, construction, as well as the cleanliness, care and disinfection of kitchens and food preparation facilities.

From now until the conference date, the remaining time will be spent ensuring total readiness, including intensive urban environment maintenance, as well as the addition of flags and flowers along roads and streets.

In particular, the Gwangju Conference will offer the chance for private discussions and pre-negotiations on relevant matters, and to formulate and agenda, which will provide the foundation for discussions at the main November 11th G20 Summit, to be held in Seoul.

The G20 is comprised of USA, Britain, France and other G7 countries, as well as China, Russia, Brazil and other leading emerging economic nations. Together the G20’s Gross Domestic Product (GPD) totals 85% of the world’s, and their populations account for two-thirds of the global population. The G20 Summit is attending by heads of state of the world’s leading economies, and is an key forum for making plans for the global economic future.

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