Sunday, August 8, 2010

Daniel Gauss lashes out at JYPE and the Wonder Girls, Again

Remember Daniel Gauss?  You know, the ex-English tutor for the Wonder Girls, who a few months ago made some heavy accusations about the Wonder Girls being mistreated and unhappy?  Well, he’s back to defend himself after JYPE and the girls responded to his accusations.
I managed to make it through about halfway, but I just couldn’t take anymore, it felt too much like an angry rant.  And I understand the guy is ticked off, but 3 months later and a novel at that?
If you’ve got all the time in the world, check out the entire rant for yourselves (published via Poparazzi), but boy does Dan contradict himself quite a few times.  For those of you that want the cliff notes version, here’s my interpretation…
1. I am a great English tutor, I graduated from an Ivy league school (Columbia) and I did a great job at helping the girls learn English, in fact their English has improved.
2. After I released the story, instead of receiving thanks from the girls, I was attacked through text messages from them in “Bad English.”
3. The “attack” texts that they sent “in deplorable English,” made me outraged and I texted them back letting them know that they are “Psycho’s.”
Anyway, the “attack” text messages from the Wonder Girls are revealed in the article, and they weren’t as bad as he made them out to be.  I mean, who wouldn’t say things along the lines of “mind your own business,” especially when someone lashes out at your lifestyle publicly.  And his statement about their English improving, yet a few paragraphs later, making fun of their “Bad English” text messages, doesn’t really do much for his case, much less of him claiming to be a saint.
One quote I couldn’t help but put up here, is when Dan seems to deliberately put words into Yenny’s mouth after calling her a Psycho:
“She then arrogantly informs me that her life is better than mine.  ’Moreover u know that from ur heart that I live way better life.  U know who s the rea psycho here.’  Yenny, please use your articles!”
It seems to me Yenny was just claiming that she lives a better life than what Dan was telling the media, and not that her life is better than his.
Judging by the girls’ initial reactions after this issue first broke out, it seems they just want him to go away, but he just keeps on coming back for more.  Although Dan says he was just trying to help them and that this latest article was written so that he can defend himself, to be frank, he reeks of “disgruntled employee” or better yet, “butt hurt”.
The above is just my interpretation of this whole issue though, so you guys read the full story for yourselves and discuss below!
Full story on Poparazzi

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